Mission: Ready Game Plan
Our on-going strategies for Mission: Ready are to:
Implement The Basics
Increase Family Engagement
Successfully Transition Children to Kindergarten and Elementary School
Existing Programs like The Basics, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, Triple P - Positive Parenting Program, and Kinderwaves already support these goals. Our specific goals for the initiative in 2025 are focused on increasing BRUW’s effectiveness in community kindergarten readiness by expanding the impact and reach of current programs.
2025 Mission: Ready Goals
Implement The Basics Waccamaw themed calendar / public awareness campaign where each month of the calendar is dedicated to a Basics principle
Enroll 50 children in 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Grow KinderWaves attendance from 42 children to 75 children in 2025
Host a kindergarten readiness day in partnership with Georgetown County School District
Increase utilization of Learn & Play Centers in 4K Programs
Through these goals, we hope to accomplish the following progress towards our Bold Goal for Kindergarten Readiness:
2025 Mission: Ready Targets:
Support Georgetown County School District to achieve a 3% improvement in Kindergarten Readiness, increasing the Georgetown County’s KRA composite average from 54.4% to 57.4%.
Support Williamsburg County School District to achieve a 2% improvement in Kindergarten Readiness, increasing Williamsburg County’s KRA composite average from 16.2% to 18.2%.
Mission: Read Game Plan
Our on-going goals for Mission: Read are to:
Close the Reading Gap
Eliminate Summer Learning Loss
Increase Family Engagement
Our Heroes For Literacy, Scholastic REAL Mentors, Summer SAIL, and Triple P Programs advance these goals for Mission: Read. Our 2025 Mission: Read Goals will expand and retool current programming and relaunch paused programs:
2025 Mission: Read Goals
Expand Heroes For Literacy, from six school sites to nine in 2025, adding three school sites for the 2025 - 2026 school year
Increase the number of H4L “heroes” (volunteers), from an average of three volunteers per school, to five.
Relaunch the Waves of Possibilities Teacher Summit as the preferred professional development opportunity of early education partners including Georgetown County School District, Williamsburg County Schools, WEOC Headstart, and local child development centers.
Improve the effectiveness of Summer SAIL in reaching students of greatest academic need by strengthening new and current partnerships.
Implement Triple P Workshops to serve 200 unduplicated caregivers in Georgetown County School District and Williamsburg County Schools.
Through these goals, we hope to reach the following targets towards our Bold Goal for Third-Grade Reading Success:
2025 Mission: Read Targets
Support Georgetown County School District to achieve a 4% improvement in 3rd Grade Reading during the 2024-2025 School Year, increasing the number of students meeting or exceeding SC Ready ELA grade level expectations from 50% to 54%.
Support Williamsburg County Schools to achieve a 7% improvement in 3rd Grade Reading during the 2024-2025 School Year, increasing the number of students meeting or exceeding SC Ready ELA grade level expectations from 37.6% to 44.6%.
Disaster Resiliency Game Plan
Year-round we work to empower our community members with the knowledge and resources they need to prepare for, recover from, and respond to disaster. Our proactive approach ensures that all our residents are resilient and ready for any kind of natural or man-made disaster. Through our Be Ready! Disaster Preparedness Program and leadership of the Winyah Bay COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster), we work year-round in “blue skies” to strengthen overall community preparedness, response, and recovery in “grey skies”.
Our Blue Skies Strategies are to:
Preparing funds for an early response, ensuring monies are already available before a disaster hits so that volunteers can start relief operations immediately
Preparing partners for early action through activities ahead of a disaster including an annual tabletop exercise, case management training, and volunteer reception training so that agencies are prepared before the shock, mitigating the impact of disaster on the population
Preparing people for adverse events through FEMA certified Be Ready! Disaster preparedness workshops and disaster kits
In Grey Skies (during or after a disaster), our strategies are to:
Coordinate volunteers and in-kind donations used in the recovery efforts
Manage the volunteer reception center
Serve as the fiscal agent for the WB COAD Local Fund (non-declared FEMA disasters) for Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties
While it will never be possible to stop a natural disaster from occurring, our bold goal is to ensure our community is as prepared as possible for every kind of disaster.
In 2025, we plan to strengthen our disaster resiliency by accomplishing the following goals:
Our 2025 Disaster Resiliency Goals:
1. Improve Community Preparedness
Establish a baseline in Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties for individuals/household disaster preparedness via survey
Instill equity as a foundation for emergency preparedness
Ensure community members are signed up for alerts and warnings
Conduct a preparedness campaign
2. Strengthen communication among the COAD
Ensure that community agencies are representative of the needs of the people
Establish POC’s for each phase of disaster
Create Standard Operating Procedures
3. Develop annual training and exercise plans for disaster operations
Annual Tabletop Exercise
Annual Case Management Training
Annual Volunteer Reception Training
Coordinate resources - develop a coordinated approach to resources and human services
Black River United Way will be the fiscal agent for the WB COAD
Design/Implement a stand-by volunteer bank for disasters
4. Promote and sustain a ready WB COAD and a Prepared Georgetown and Williamsburg County - Ready Georgetown County! Ready Williamsburg County!
Social Media Campaigns
We’re excited to share our plans with you as we know that without the accountability and support of our community, these goals will only exist on paper. We would encourage you to follow the journey, and most importantly, to get involved, give back, and take action. By volunteering, giving, and sharing your voice, you can ensure that Black River United Way not only meets these goals, but exceeds them!